This is the second time I've gotten teary-eyed today. The first was when Joey decided to wake up at 5:30 this morning. I think the excitement of Christmas and presents and candy and cookies and music and lights got to him and he just couldn't sleep. As I sat blurry-eyed on the couch and tried to find something for him to watch (yes, I resorted to TV...), I imagined that most toddlers were finally going to get the chance to wind down today-- to embrace a day of calm after the craziness of Christmas. Not for us, though. Nope, today held more presents and toys and cupcakes. God sure had a sense of humor when he gave Joey a Christmas birthday. Tears were flowing, and really, can you blame me? (And if you can, I'd like to see you try to explain that presents aren't an every day thing to a two-year-old who has spent the last three days in a constant state of sugar-high).
I never imagined that one child could bring so much joy while simultaneously causing so much frustration. I never imagined the delight I'd feel hearing my son express his thoughts, watching as his personality and gifts emerge. Joey, I thank God every day for you. I'm so thankful that you're so full of life and joy. I'm thankful that you have such an exuberant outlook-- that everything is a delight to you. I pray that you learn to channel your strengths-- to use the gifts that God gave you to change the world like I know you will. I pray that I have the patience to smile, even when you smash play dough into my carpet and color on my walls. One day I will treasure these moments... even if they happen at 5 am.