Saturday, September 8, 2007

My little Texas tornado

Remind me again why I was so anxious for Joey to learn to crawl? Because all of a sudden, my little Texas Tornado moves non-stop and leaves a path of destruction behind him as he tears his way through the house. This morning, I set him down and he made a bee-line for the basket of toys in the corner. He dumped the entire basket and spread the toys around the living room before moving on to the coffee table. He threw the coasters on the floor and spread the candles around the tabletop before heading into the kitchen to dump the entire bowl of dog food on the floor and move the kitchen rugs into the living room. From there, the books were torn out of the bookshelf and the shoes were pulled out of the shoe bench. This entire episode took about 3 minutes, and I’m guessing that all of you parents of toddlers are going to tell me that it only gets worse from here. *sigh*

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