August 1, 2006
With the school year just around the corner, I’m feeling compelled to give my two-cents about religion in public schools. As a former educator, I think that a balanced, complete and honest education is essential for our children (and our society). I think that our children have the right to learn all different viewpoints, theories and ideas on all situations. As a Christian, I am concerned about the incredible anti-Christian sentiment (yes, that’s right) that seems to be growing in the public schools. Before everyone gets all upset with me, let me explain.
I can’t understand why certain topics and theories are acceptable in public schools while others aren’t. Like I said, I think that a balanced education is essential. I agree that the theory of evolution should be taught in public schools. It’s an important part of science and has been an extremely influential theory. What I don’t understand is why people are so against the idea of teaching kids about the Intelligent Design Theory (http://www.intelligentdesignnetwork.org/). The Intelligent Design Theory, which has support in the scientific community from scientists in many top-rated universities, theorizes that an intelligent designer stands behind the world’s beginnings. Kids should be given access to every available bit of information and be allowed to make their own decisions about what they believe. It seems very unbalanced that a scientifically acceptable theory cannot be taught in public schools just because it supports Christianity. Once again, I am in no way condoning that Intelligent Design be taught as fact or as the only truth, but as one of many theories. It’s objective science to give kids access to every applicable theory. I’m having a hard time understanding the objection to this.
Likewise, I have a hard time to the common objections that I hear about teaching Christian history and religion in schools. Once again, I am in no way condoning that only Christian history be taught. I think that the history of all other major religions should also be covered and be given equal representation. I think that our kids deserve to learn information about all major religions. They should hear all of the facts in an unbiased way where they are able to learn and understand how all of the major world religions have shaped our world. Why is Christianity the only religion that is criticized on this? I’ve never heard anyone complain that our kids are taught about Islam in schools.
Finally, I am appalled by recent anti-sematic comments made by some major media figures. I am also appalled by the story (http://stage.parentsconnect.com/home/host_parent/LoriO_profile.jhtml) that LoriO wrote about in her blog. There is no way that any student from any religion or background should be shunned or treated like that. LoriO is right that our schools are public schools and that students from every background should have the privilege of a free, unbiased public education. That means that Christians, Muslims, Jews and all others should be allowed a place to learn and grow.
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