Monday, September 10, 2007

Romance of trying

January 6, 2007

Who knew that “trying” could be so stressful. We’ve never “tried” before. My pregnancy with Joey was a wonderful “accident” that took us completely by surprise. So, the idea of “trying” is new to us. For a few days it was fun. We hurried to put Joey to bed and then spent the evenings together, eating romantic dinners and making out on the couch. We winked at each other during the day and even “tried” one morning before the baby woke up and my husband had to scurry off to work.

Just when I was beginning to enjoy the whole “trying” thing, I foolishly decided to check out an on-line fertility calculator. It started out simply enough. I wrote in the first day of my last period and it calculated my fertile days for the month. It claimed that I had a small chance of getting pregnant on Jan. 3rd and 4th and that my most fertile days were Jan. 5th-8th. A quick glance at the calendar showed me that I only had two more fertile days left in the month. We were suddenly facing a looming deadline. No more spontaneity. No more romance. We had to get crackin’.

All of a sudden, “trying” went from being fun, spontaneous and easy-going to a stressful race-against the fertility clock. We did end up “trying” as much as possible during my most fertile days, but I have to admit that I’m a little worn out. At last, the fertility calendar says that I’m not fertile anymore so we can have a few weeks off from “trying” and get back into the normal groove of our marriage. Of course, now it’s a waiting game.

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