Monday, September 10, 2007

Water margaritas

Tuesday, February 13th, 2007

Status Check:
7 weeks 4 days pregnant
148 lbs.

Water Margaritas and sit-down showers

Throwing up while pregnant is a whole different ballgame than your run-of-the-mill stomach flu. When you’re not pregnant, the best way to avoid throwing up is not to eat, because if there’s nothing to throw up, then you won’t throw up. This doesn’t work when you’re pregnant. First of all, allowing your stomach to be empty is the surest way to find yourself hunched over the toilet. Second, if you don’t have anything in your stomach to throw up, your body will find something. I swear. Bile. Blood. Water. Stomach Acid. Gross, I know, but so true.

So, while I was pregnant with Joey, I desperately searched for ways to keep food down and keep myself from throwing up in public and embarrassing places. The best trick I learned is never to drink while eating. The nurses in the hospital taught me this one and it’s still serving me well. I have no idea what the medical reason behind this is, but basically, you’re supposed to avoid anything liquid within an hour of solid food. That means no soup for dinner and no glass of water with lunch. This gets a bit tricky as you are supposed to drink a lot of water while pregnant, but with some forethought, you can do it.

Another great trick I learned is water margaritas. Anyone who has been pregnant will tell you that regular old drinking water just won’t cut it when you’re pregnant. No, when you’re pregnant, water has to be cold and has to taste really fresh. A glass of water that has been sitting around for a few minutes just won’t do. In my quest for really, really cold and really, really fresh water, I discovered my favorite cocktail, the water margarita. It’s really quite simple. Take a ton of ice, a little bit of cold water and blend it in the blender until slushy. Drink. Sip. Enjoy.

Finally, my other saving grace is the sit-down shower. For some reason, the combination of standing up and hot steam does me in every time. For weeks, I would throw up within moments of stepping into the shower. I was about ready to give up showering all together when my husband suggested that I sit on the floor and let the water flow down on me. Since steam rises and the water is a bit cooler down there, it works like a charm. It’s a bit tricky to wash your hair and face while sitting down, but it’s worth it.

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