1-- Number of minutes that it took for Kate to start screaming after I put her costume on. For some reason, she didn't think it was comfortable to have foam balls glued to her back. Imagine that.
2-- The number of years that Joey has worn his elephant costume. I know, I know... I'm a slacker. He just looked so cute in it last year and when I discovered that it still fit, I figured that it was worth wearing twice. Plus, I figure that the 40 hours of work I put into it last year warrents using it twice (or possibly three times... look for Kate the elephant next year).
3-- The number of M & Ms that I let Joey eat last night. I know. I'm such a mean mommy.
4--The number of times that Joey woke up in the middle of the night screaming "More El-phant! More Candy!". Imagine what would've happened if I had let him eat four or five M & Ms.
5-- The number of times I burned myself on the hot glue gun while trying to make Kate's costume. My mom's sewing machine is in storage so I had to get a bit creative with my costume assembling methods.
6-- The number of "chaperones" that Joey and Kate had when we went to the Fall Festival at church. Mom, Dad, Peter & Alisa all tagged along to take pictures.
7-- The number of times that Joey has asked for "Auntie. Choo-Choo. More. Please?" today (his Auntie Alisa took him on the choo-choo last night). I told him next year. He told me NOW. Please.
8--The number of miniature Almond Joys that I ate out of the candy bowl throughout the day. Before you chastize my lack of self-control, might I remind you that I'm a nursing mother.
9-- The number of pictures that I took of Kate hanging out on her Daddy's arm. A bit overboard I admit, but she looked so darn cute perched up there.
10--The number of minutes it took me to fanegal Kate into her costume. No, it wasn't the most practical costume but it sure was adorable.