Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween by the numbers (take 2)

1-- Number of minutes that it took for Kate to start screaming after I put her costume on. For some reason, she didn't think it was comfortable to have foam balls glued to her back. Imagine that.

2-- The number of years that Joey has worn his elephant costume. I know, I know... I'm a slacker. He just looked so cute in it last year and when I discovered that it still fit, I figured that it was worth wearing twice. Plus, I figure that the 40 hours of work I put into it last year warrents using it twice (or possibly three times... look for Kate the elephant next year).

3-- The number of M & Ms that I let Joey eat last night. I know. I'm such a mean mommy.

4--The number of times that Joey woke up in the middle of the night screaming "More El-phant! More Candy!". Imagine what would've happened if I had let him eat four or five M & Ms.

5-- The number of times I burned myself on the hot glue gun while trying to make Kate's costume. My mom's sewing machine is in storage so I had to get a bit creative with my costume assembling methods.

6-- The number of "chaperones" that Joey and Kate had when we went to the Fall Festival at church. Mom, Dad, Peter & Alisa all tagged along to take pictures.

7-- The number of times that Joey has asked for "Auntie. Choo-Choo. More. Please?" today (his Auntie Alisa took him on the choo-choo last night). I told him next year. He told me NOW. Please.

8--The number of miniature Almond Joys that I ate out of the candy bowl throughout the day. Before you chastize my lack of self-control, might I remind you that I'm a nursing mother.

9-- The number of pictures that I took of Kate hanging out on her Daddy's arm. A bit overboard I admit, but she looked so darn cute perched up there.

10--The number of minutes it took me to fanegal Kate into her costume. No, it wasn't the most practical costume but it sure was adorable.


Ariana said...

Those are great pictures! Kate is so big! I've been checking your blog every day for updates, been dying to see how Kate is growing and I'm not dissappointed! And wow, I can't believe you actually made those great costumes!
You guys are such a cute family!

Susan said...

That's awesome. I can't believe Joey woke up four times screaming for more!! At least he got a few M&Ms. I didn't give JZ any candy halloween night (he did get a sucker in the afternoon...) AND I just gave away all his candy tonight. Talk about mean. Fortunately, he didn't really get the whole candy thing.

Alisa said...

Joey asked for me more than he asked for candy the next day...that definitely puts me at favorite aunt status, right?