Monday, September 10, 2007


Sept. 4, 2007

My mom says I'm nesting. I don't know about that. I mean, my baseboards are still covered in dust and my laundry room hasn't been cleaned in weeks (OK, months). Yep, my closet is still piled high with old clothes and my desk drawers, well, we won't talk about those. But, I have been working hard to get my nursery and Joey's big boy room done.

I started Joey's big boy room weeks ago. My excuse was that he had to get used to it before the baby came, but in reality, I think I just wanted an excuse to redecorate. I was tired of my cluttered, mis-matched guest room. Now, Joey has a fun "big boy bed" and dresser, a new bookshelf and fun sporty walls.

In the daytime, he loves his room and his big boy bed. He reads books to his "Anmals" and cuddles with his UT Bevo toy Cooper. Nighttime is a different story... the transition hasn't gone as well as I had hoped. While he has slept through the night in his big boy bed a few times, he has also spent plenty of nights in his pack & play because staying in bed is much easier said than done. Every night when he's getting ready for bed he says "Bi bo be" (translation: big boy bed) and then says "Me, stay stay stay!". Well, he usually forgets about the staying part about 5 minutes later and ends up in the pack & play for the night. Oh well. He'll get there, right?

Last week, I spent the week getting this little girl's nursery ready. I wanted it to be bright and girly. It's a spring garden with lots of flowers and leaves and is filled with all things pink and pretty. I can't wait until there's a little girl to put in it. Just two and a half more weeks. Seems like a lifetime...

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